Frequent questions
How can I place an order?
You can place an order in the following ways:
• Online through our fast and easy-to-use site
• By phone at: 2310-688620, hours: 10:00-14:00, Monday – Friday.
• By filling in the Contact/Order Form the products you want and your contact information (name, address, phone).
• By emailing us at and by writing to us the products you want and your contact details (name, address, phone) marked “Order”.
What payment methods are available?
In our online store you can use a credit/debit card to make your transactions, choose cash on delivery (ie you pay when you receive your order) or deposit the price of the order into one of our bank accounts. You can find all available payment methods on the page: Payment Methods
How can I buy online?
Choose your preferred products and add them to the shopping cart either from the main page or from your Wishlist. During your shopping you can always see the contents of the basket, along with the total value of the products. You can modify the quantity, size and color of the products you wish to purchase at any time. Before you complete your purchase, we will ask you for your delivery address and preferred payment method. By clicking “Complete order” you will confirm your purchase and you will immediately receive an e-mail with the details of your order. Registered users can find all the details of their order in their account.
How can I check the status of my order?
On the (Order Tracking) page, by entering your e-mail and order number you can track the progress of your order. You can also, if you are a registered user, log in to your account and check the progress of the order at any time from the “Order History” field. As soon as the shipment is made, you receive an informative e-mail with the shipment number and the link to the courier’s website, so that you can track the exact location of your package, as well as the delivery times.
Do I need to register to complete my online order?
The user/customer can place his order either as a simple visitor of the website (guest) or as a registered user (user). Unregistered users can track their order status from the (order tracking) link. By registering on the site, you are given the ability to keep order history, access your account for any changes you want to make, and on your next purchase the information is recorded for your convenience.
How can I modify or cancel an order?
Cancellation/modification of your order is only possible if it has NOT been processed and NOT dispatched by the relevant department of the Company and within one working day of its submission. You can cancel/modify your order by phone at 2310-688620, from Monday to Friday (10:00-14:00) or by sending an e-mail to, marked “Cancellation/Modification” and your order number.
As long as payment has been made upon completion of your order, we will call you on the phone number you have indicated to inform you of the amount and method of settlement.